Saturday, April 24, 2010

Skin allergies??

Could it be possible that detergen, soap, shampoo or even dust can cause skin to feel itchy, red and bumpy sometimes? What if I have used the same product for years and it has never cause those symptom? My housemate used to have chicken pox and after two weeks I got shingles. Was sent to seen neurologist and got better in two weeks. But a week after that, I have itchiness and redness of my skin which last from minutes to hours, on and off almost everyday. He prescribed me with antihistamine, it helps with the itchiness sometimes, but i still have the same itchiness and redness on an off. My neurologist consulted the hospital's dermatologist and through phone she said it could be an autoimmune disorder and will last for few months. Should I go and seek other specialist advise or just wait and see???

Skin allergies??
Ask to be referred to a dermatologist, so they can make a proper diagnosis, rather than guess work over the phone.
Reply:ya when chicken pox beguns to fade away it does cause lot of itching.u could wait for a week or so then get consulted again.
Reply:I've had red itchy rashes / bumps for about a week. Went to see my Doctor and she said it was an allergy, but the only way to really find out what it is and try and eliminate on ething at a time and see what happens. She also said Anti-histamine.

I've since found it was an Imperial Bubble Bath, ironically enough for Sensitive skin!

So you could try eliminating one thing at a time and see what happens. I struck lucky and found mine.

Good luck!
Reply:I think the after affects of shingles is affecting you

I suffer from sensitivity to a lot of things, some foods, dust, pollen, soaps.......I take Zirtek everyday because the the other ones make me drowsy, also dry skin can make you very itchy

I would seek specialist advice if it continues because you can't live like that it will drive you mad.......

good luck xx
Reply:All of the things you described can cause you to have an allergic reaction. If you want to lower your allergy load, here are some things you can do....use a free and clear detergent, use Bounce with a rating of 0, (no dyes no perfumes) use ivory soap and use a baby shampoo.

If you do this for a week or so, you may notice a difference. Then you can add things back one at a time and determine what things are causing you to have a reaction.

The key thing to remember dyes, no perfumes. Your perfume, scented lotion, etc. All of these things can cause an allergic reaction.

Hope you feel better soon.

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