Monday, November 16, 2009

Relieve skin picking disorder...?

I have had this habit since about 15 plus years ago (i'm 20) and recently learned it is often association with OCD. Does anyone have non-medication suggestions to prevent myself from doing this? I pick at the pimples/hairs/skin on my arms and legs, so I've tried wearing long sleeves or pants, wearing gloves, distracting myself, but I just end up getting lost in picking at my arms for hours sometimes. Is it better to go on the medication or just deal with the bleeding arms and legs???

Relieve skin picking disorder...?
Honestly, a therapist is about the best option for this disorder. No meds actually make you stop wanting to do it, although you may do it less if you are on a "downer". Trust me, therapy is better.

It's called trichotillomania. I have it too. Haven't had a hair episode in a while and I think I've conquered that. I may pull one hair out occassionally, but I don't keep doing it.

I'm still struggling with the skin issue. I have been through therapy but not specifically for this. Yes, I know... you are in a trance when you do it... It is not OCD related tho many think so. It is more likely impulse control issues.

A lot of people with trich have bad relationships with their mothers and are usually girls. Interesting.

There are group therapies for this too! Hopefully one is near you, and its usually free.

Check out
Reply:Wow, I thought that I was the only one who did that. I have Bipolar Disorder with some aspects of OCD or possibly even Asperger's Syndrome.. Do you have any of these things? I was just wondering because it is so weird to se this question that mirrors what I myself do. The hairs especially bother me... I can't stand them.. I think if I got all of it permanently removed that maybe I could stop. Do they have medication that helps you stop this??? Wow it would be so great if I could get something to make me quit. Anyway! Sorry I could actually answer your question.
Reply:do something else smoke cigarettes or chew gum somthing that will distract you from this
Reply:Please see a Dr. Medication can help to a degree. My Daughter has OCD also and she picks the skin from her foot!!!!!!!!!!!!

And she will "fixate" on saying something over and over if she gets interrupted the first time by her Brother or anyone and she raises her voice at the same time!!!!

First get evaluated like they did my kid and a Dr. can pinpoint if you have OCD or some Anxiety Disorder.
Reply:Welbutrin helps some with this, also try the wrist band technique, everytime you feel the urge to pick, you snap the rubberband around your wrist and it distracts you for a bit.

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