Monday, November 16, 2009

How do I find out what skin disorder my yorkie has w/o going broke?

My vet has charged me 500 bucks, then 69.00 in meds for flea dander, wz given K-9, antibitics, benedril - he told me to see dermotologist, wch cost fortune. dogs condition got worse, new vet treating w/ natural remidies. Dog still scratches, I am broke. He does not have flea dander now, he is miserable, and natural remedies take time to work. 'Am I being impatient? Vets are so expensive and take advantage of my concern for my dog. What do I do? Help !

How do I find out what skin disorder my yorkie has w/o going broke?
Dear Bobbie -I'm sorry about your pet - are you in the USA? (You mention bucks). All I can say is that some skin conditions in dogs are very hard to diagnose and treat. Is there a dog welfare charity which might help? They might at least be able to suggest a vet who really knows about skin conditions. Or ask at your local kennels or good dog breeders for recommendations and/or advice. sometimes an experienced breeder knows as much as the vet about dog care. Good luck.
Reply:bathe her in a tea tree oil shampoo.. that may work
Reply:try buying him conditioning tablets from a supermarket or get him some hay fever tabs that all that the vet prescibes anyway my dog used to come up in big scabs every summer all he ecer did was dig it got so bad he used to literally throw himself up against the walls i started using piriton allergy tablets and it cleared up really quick touch wood he hasnt had it this year good luck hope hes ok.
Reply:do you have animal insurance/ if so claim off it ,if you don't it would work out a lot cheaper to get some . ask the vet 4 advice they can be very helpful most of the time
Reply:i take it your in USA you didn't say well we have the same problem here in UK the vets want 60 bucks to walk in the door and then they start charging for the treatment and charge for tabs not really needed. when you leave your lucky to still have your trousers left on people on here have given you a few tips try them out to save a few bucks but its sad that vets take advantage of you and the love for your pet
Reply:Take him to the local humane center

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