Saturday, April 24, 2010

What does extreme fatigue, joint pain, and skin painful to the touch mean?

I am 53 years old and post menapausal. Ok, so I have arthritis, depression, and anxiety disorder. But, these things should be under control at this time. The skin problem is on the back of my neck, where I got sunburned everyday for 3 years (about ten years ago).

What does extreme fatigue, joint pain, and skin painful to the touch mean?
Ok Ida where should I start the list?? First, have you had a bone density test? Very important. There are a fist full of things that come to mind. where do you live and could you have picked up a tick?

You don't need to answer exactly where you live, but you might consider being checked for Lymes if you do live by tick country. Ok, so we scaratch the tick .....How about bone denisity, is Osteroporisis a possibility? I sure would like you to go check the symptom checker @ and let us know what it says also
Reply:At first glance, I'd say heat exhaustion, from a variety of sources, the sun, fevers, inflammation, etc.

I'm sorry to say there's no cure for arthritis, depression nor anxiety disorder, they might be under control, but you'll probably have to deal with it for the rest of your life.

last but not least, talk to a doctor, the fact your skin is painful to the touch is a bad sign, seek medical attention as soon as you can
Reply:The combination of those three things could be coincidental, but probably not. You should see a doctor - and soon!

Good luck!
Reply:Could be chronic fatigue - I had these symptoms with chronic fatigue

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